
作为一所私立AG体育平台, AG体育官网 does not receive financial support from the local tax base or from state government, and depends entirely on tuition plus the generous support of alumnae, 父母, 校友的父母, 企业捐赠, 和朋友.

现金礼物总是很受欢迎的. 但许多支持者, as they approach an age where wealth transfer becomes possible, choose to give through the assignment of stock and security holdings, directly and through their retirement accounts, AG体育官网. 作为捐赠者, you can choose to direct your gift where you feel your donation will have the most meaning for you: 1884 Fund, Planned 礼物, Scholarship, 教育合作伙伴, 或者通过 养老.

第一步 is to contact 克里斯汀维维安 in our Advancement Office, either by calling 518.438.7895 ext. 219或电邮至 kvivian@lfchatkcrdifzr.com.


AG体育官网’ Tax ID # is 14-1514566. 我们的纽约免税组织ID号是114443.




夫人. 克里斯汀 薇薇安P '14 '17

电话: 518.438.7895 Ext. 219
Cornell University, BA Business Marketing and Administration

夫人. 伊丽莎白 McGarry P '29

电话: 518-438-7895 x603
University at Albany, MS Education Administration

See the options for giving and their respective advantages by clicking below:


安哲秀接受股票礼物. Giving appreciated securities that you have owned for more than one year is one of the most tax-advantaged ways to give while reducing your capital gains tax. Benefits of supporting Holy Names before year end include:

  • You claim a tax deduction for the full market value of the securities (up to applicable AGI limitations)
  • You avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation
  • You have an immediate impact at AHN and AHN will sell the securities without being subject to any capital gains tax
  • Read more here about the benefits from Fidelity

When making a gift of marketable stocks and securities, be sure to transfer ownership AG体育官网.  Do not sell the stock or securities on your own.  This protects you from the capital gains on any appreciation.

Please consult your tax professional to see if this is an appropriate strategy for you. Your financial adviser will be very familiar with this process. Instruct your broker to make the transfer to the AG体育官网 account with Fidelity. All of the information you will need to make a donation of stock to Holy Names can be found below:

  • Fidelity DTC # is 0226  (it may show up as National Financial Services
  • 联系 米歇尔大卫杜夫 的Graypoint, LLC at (518) 641-6333  for the account number to which you have chosen to direct your gift of stock. If you are unsure about what account number to use, please call our office. If you have made a gift of stock to the school or wish to wire cash, please contact 克里斯汀维维安 at 518-438-7895 or kvivian@lfchatkcrdifzr.com. Notification is important so that Holy Names is aware of your gift and can process and acknowledge it in a timely manner. Please request a matching gift from your organization if this is a benefit offered for charitable gifts to non-profit organizations.

If you have a donor-advised fund (DAF), you know it is a unique giving tool. At any time, you can recommend a distribution to us. Your gift comes from funds you have already set aside for charitable purposes; so, 这对你当前的预算没有影响. Please let us know if you are considering a distribution from your donor-advised fund.

Charitable contributions using retirement assets also provide a tax planning opportunity during an individual’s lifetime, assuming the donor does not need to rely on said retirement assets in the future.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) are available for individuals over 70½ years old to donate up to $100,000 in IRA assets directly from the financial institution to the charity annually, without taking the distribution into taxable income. Consider making a QCD from your IRA to satisfy all or a portion of your required minimum distribution (RMD) by making a gift to Holy Names. 不要忘记, your QCD and RMDs have to be completed before year-end so make sure to consult with your financial advisor to determine the correct procedure to accomplish the gift.

一如既往地, we recommend you consult with your financial planner/tax advisor before initiating any contributions relating to retirement assets or in relation to year end tax planning. Your advisors will need to ensure that documentation is properly executed, the charitable contributions are in agreement with your overall financial planning and the contributions are reflected correctly on your tax return. Any references to tax deductions are applicable only to federal income tax and your tax advisor should be consulted as to applicability to state income taxes.


Many companies offer a 匹配 礼物 program for current and/or retired employees. 这些公司经常匹配, 一美元换一美元或更多, an employee’s charitable gift to an educational institution. Eligible donors are urged to participate in their company’s 匹配 礼物 program as it multiplies the value of your gift to Holy Names. 不要忘记 to check your spouse’s employer, too.